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The Advantages of French Immersion Education in France

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The Advantages of French Immersion Education in France

To be fluent in French has long been your dream, but unfortunately even during your school days you struggled to learn French. You tried hard after you graduated, for example, with French language courses at the community college. But after a day of work or studying at University it was difficult to find the motivation. You tried self-study, using audio or computer learning programs, but after your initial enthusiasm this very quickly became frustrating. You learn French on your own; you cannot be inspired by speaking French to others, you do not learn French fast – your motivation fades!

All efforts to learn French in your home country, lead sooner or later to frustration. Your spoken French does not progress; you have to deal with day-to-day business and for sure your job or study is more important than learning French. You will not learn French as you would like to and you get frustrated not speaking French to others. Sooner or later you give up!

But how come many people master one or more languages? You admire these people; who discuss with Spanish or French people in their native languages. You are frustrated because you can simply not participate in these discussions. Do those people have special abilities? The answer is NO, because everyone can learn foreign languages. So how could you do?

Have you ever thought of French immersion in France? About a language stay in France; in a city you chose yourself? To learn French, where it is spoken every day? Where you will be speaking French easily after a short time! Where you will be immersed in the culture and society of the country, far away from the daily grind at home.

Enjoy a wonderful language stay in France to learn French easily!

Learn French in France

Why learn French in France? Why take French immersion for a short time or several months?

Would it not be wonderful to detach from everyday life to enjoy a language stay in France? You can fully concentrate on your objectif of learning French. You will do something different than your day to day routine at home. Something you have been wanting to do for a long time. You will have a great experience abroad, not only learning and speaking French, but also an insight into French culture. You will also learn about the country and people. All of this is a rich experience and you will profit from this for life. Needless to say that French immersion in France also adds to your C.V.

Almost all participants who have taken a language stay in France are delighted. You often hear statements like: “I have learned more French in 2 weeks than in one year of evening courses at home.” “After a few days of French immersion I started talking to locals.”

In French immersion you learn in small classes of around 10 participants. You concentrate only on French and the learning progress is quick. Soon you will be able to speak French in class and also outside class with locals in everyday situations.

Schools for language stays in French offer a wide range of French courses to suit everybody’s taste and budget. There are half-day courses leaving a lot of time to discover the city and its surrounding areas, Intensive Courses, specialty courses like Business French or DELF and DALF Exam preparation courses as well as courses for the 50+ generation with special leisure program (read more information about the benefits of French courses for seniors) or intensive individual training.

Participants of immersion in France are enthusiastic: “I met so many interesting people from all over the world during my language stay in France; together we talked only French. It was very easy and I progressed very quickly.” Some underline “My motivation to learn French has increased immensely, also for the time when back home. As soon as I can I will take another French immersion in France”.

The 10 Advantages of French immersion in France

There are many reasons to take French immersion in France. Learn French where it is spoken. A language stay in France, even for only a short time, offers you many advantages:

  1. Escape the everyday stress and focus only on your French. You immerses yourself 24 hours a day in French language.
  2. You do not learn French on your own; you meet other participants with similar interests and goals. This is very motivating.
  3. During a French language immersion you make very rapid progress, often you learn more in two weeks than in one year at a community college.
  4. You can implement what you have learned immediately.
  5. You will be taught by qualified native speakers, they will motivate you to speak French.
  6. You will learn the intricacies of the language and the correct pronunciation by highly qualified teachers.
  7. Learning French means also learning about culture and civilization by participating in the school’s leisure program.
  8. You can make interesting contacts with local people and other students from around the world. Maybe you’ll even make friends for life.
  9. Positive experiences of language stays in France are a good motivation for your continued learning of French back home. You’ll also have an advantage for your CV.
  10. You will spend a great time in a great place; you will also discover the local attractions.