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How learning French isn’t as difficult as you think

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You dream to go for a time to France, or even to live in France? You want to work there, go for love or because you like France. Unfortunately you could not learn much French in school and cannot even hold a conversation of one minute. After a few phrases like “Bonjour, comment ça va '' or “Merci, au revoir “your French conversation ends.

Your dream seems impossible and you feel learning French is not feasible for you? It is impossible? No, this does not exist, not even in France! Whatever your reasons, be open and study French.
Here are some tips to help you realize your dream!

How learning French isn't as difficult as you think

Studying French: Tips and tricks

1. Have the motivation and self-confidence!

The desire learning French in order to communicate directly with the French in their language can be a very good motivation. Be persistent and do not give up at the slightest setback. You decided to study French and you have a reason to do this. You have this idea in mind; you should not lose sight of your goal, even if your progress will be little at one stage.

How nice it would be if you realize this dream? You will be proud if you progress well in learning French.

2. Join a French language school in France

You might realize a dream – to learn French in one of the many French language schools in France.

You start by selecting a language school to study French in France. Do you wish a language immersion education in Paris, or rather in the south of France on the Mediterranean?

French language schools in France offer a range of French courses at all levels, from beginner to advanced level.

Choose a carefully selected French host family for your accommodation in order to learn a lot about French family life. You will constantly learn French outside school, you immerse into French culture and every day you learn things and French slang that you so might not learn in school.

French courses in France are the quickest and most effective way to learn French. You are free from the stress of everyday life and have only one goal – to learn the language in the country where it is spoken. You will meet in the French language schools in France like-minded people from many countries that pursue the same goal. You will get much more motivated and you will speak French together.

3. Learn French easily!

If you join a French language school in France, it is important to discover the area and see the sights of the region, go to the local museums and exhibitions, visit concerts and taste the local culinary specialties. Listen to French music and go to the cinema to see films in French, take part in sports events etc.

This will help you to constantly learning French outside school and broaden your knowledge. Meet locals and socialize with them.

Learning French is not only learning the language, but also get to know the country and to understand their people.

4. Make mistakes does not hurt!

In order to learn French, you have to make mistakes. Of course it is a little embarrassing to make a lot of mistakes when discussing in French, but they can be corrected! This is the only way to make progress! You can not only learn from books without practicing with French people. Do not concentrate too much on avoiding errors when talking, try to get understood! You use an incorrect conjugation? A wrong word? It does not matter as long as you make yourself understood. Learning French is constant practice of the language, you need to practice, practice and practice – as an actor in the theater, who is preparing for his performance!

5. Focus on the oral expressions

The best way to master the pronunciation of a word is to constantly hear it. To hear how it is pronounced. Listen to the French and realize how they speak French. You can improve your pronunciation very well like this. You also learn the melody of the language best.

Listen to the French having an espresso at a café; watch television, listen to the radio. All this is better than just learning at home the grammar book by heart. Of course, grammar has to be learned, but put the emphasis on oral fluency.

You can also read these french listening tips.

After all these tips and tricks, do you still believe that learning French is difficult? A little motivation, a project, a good choice of a French language school – you have no excuse anymore! When you start?