We guarantee high quality teaching and services that are officially recognized by the quality label "Français Langue étrangère".
Our French language school in Montpellier welcomes Swedish students who wish to follow the CSN intensive French course for teenagers, officially recognized by the CSN (Centrala Studiestödsnämnden) in Sweden. The aim of the course is to benefit from studying French in France, which means soaking up all the subtleties of the language and the French way of life… à la française.
We guarantee high quality teaching and services that are officially recognized by the quality label "Français Langue étrangère".
The CSN intensive French course for Teenagers aims at developing the four skills recommended by the CECRL (CEFRL – Common European Framework of reference for languages): Speaking, listening, reading and writing). These four skills are developed together at the same time whilst giving you the chance to improve your grammar, vocabulary and phonetic skills (pronunciation) in French. Your improvement will be stimulated by the fact that you are placed in total language immersion in Montpellier, encouraging you to use what you have learnt in everyday life.
Our Intensive French courses for teenagers is a real chance for you to practice your French and gain in fluency thanks to the varied activities that we use during class: role play, debates, presentations…., in this way, you get the chance to put everything you have learnt into practice immediately and your skills are even enriched because you also learn about French culture and civilisation. Outings are also part of our French immersion programs so that you realise your abilities when out of class in real life situations
For each course, our French immersion school in Montpellier recommends using authentic documents and encourages communication activities. To find the right balance between the objectives to reach, our immersion programs are carefully tailored to suit all the different French levels as well as the various types of French classes for teens.
Whatever your French level, ILA offers one week French courses, two weeks French courses or more. For longer stays, you can also choose one year of French courses in France or more. ILA offers the best French courses for Swedish students in agreement with the CSN.
To enjoy the sunny weather in the South of France, you can also try our intensive french summer program.
These CSN French intensive courses are aimed at Swedish Teenagers who have grants from beginners (level 1) to advanced learners (level C2).
To make sure you improve your language skills effectively, you are encouraged to enrol onto the CSN intensive French course for Juniors for a minimum of 3 weeks. At the end of the course you will be awarded a certificate describing the course you have followed and the progress made. Our French school offers special CSN prices so feel free to contact us for further information.
Our French intensive courses in Montpellier give you the chance to improve your general French and your language immersion will makes your language stay even more beneficial because you will find yourself in situations where you get to meet other people and have to speak to them. You will be in contact with French people and exposed to the French language on a daily basis.
You will meet students from all over the world, all of whom share the same objective as you, which is to get to know France better and speak the language properly. At our French language school in Montpellier, there are never any more than 10 students in class. This means that you will feel more comfortable when speaking and the Teacher will be able to deal with all your individual needs more effectively without losing the advantages of being in a group.
To really make your language stay worthwhile, it is important that you get out to visit the town and the region because studying French in France gives you the chance to melt into the crowd and live like French people, you will understand them better. It is also an excellent way of bringing your language learning to life. Learning French is much more than just sitting in a classroom, you need to get out and communicate with French people.
The CSN intensive French course for Teenagers is a very interesting course because you get familiar with all aspects of the language both oral and written or even cultural. It allows you to:
• Only Montpellier school accredited by IALC and EAQUALS
• First class French classes, small groups, top motivated teachers
• Excellent nationality mix: Students from 80 countries
• Wonderful premises in Montpellier's historic center
• Enjoy exciting activities, make friends from all over the world
ILA var mycket bättre än vad jag hade förväntat mig. Min CSN Standard-kurs var fantastisk!…
Read more Matilda (Sweden)Jag tillbringade 12 veckor på ILA i Montpellier, där jag gick CSN Standard-kursen. Jag valde…
Read more Hanna (Sweden)I took a four months course at ILA. All teachers were really nice, I made…
Read more Emelie (Sweden)Les classes ont été très bien préparées et d’un niveau excellent. Les professeurs sont trés…
Read more Anna (Sweden)